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Rated 1 out of 5
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Rated 1 out of 5
Would not recommend
My old pair of grips - which I've had for several years - started falling apart some time ago and finally, this spring, it was time to buy new ones. I picked RISE Premium Grips, because 1. They looked like what I was after; and 2. How wrong can you go with a pair of grips? As it turns out, very. I'm sure someone might love these, but I am definitely not a fan of RISE Premium Grips. They are too thick and slippery for my taste and it seems to be impossible to get a good, tight grip with them. Instead of giving me confidence for my lifts, they just force me to focus on the panic that whatever I'm lifting might just slip out of my hand at any moment. And while it might be nice during your Bulgarians to have something distracting you from the pain and agony of that exercise (I actually kinda love them), I would much rather take the confidence of a good grip. After I started using these I had to drop the weight in exercises like those aforementioned split squats, because I just couldn't hold those 55lb dumbbells for the duration of my set anymore. Since then I have gone back to using my old grips, which are almost completely gone, but are still way better, allow me to focus on the thing I want to focus on (that would be lifting) and have made it possible for me to go back to heavier weights again, which is nice. And yes, I have also tried them with chalk and it made absolutely no difference.
As a result, I have over 50 dollars less to my name and I'm still using my old…
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Rated 1 out of 5
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Rated 1 out of 5
Popeye's Suppléments
Hello Mira,
I'm terribly sorry the grips weren't great for you!
Please contact me at info@web.shoppopeyes.com
We will take care of your premium grips problem :)
thank you,