Isomer CIS-10
Isomer CIS-10 increases your metabolic rate giving you the power you need to shed off those last few pounds of fat. Achieve the sculpted, chiseled body you were born to have with the power of Conjugated Linoleic Acid. A one-of-a-kind, real powerful fat-scorching ingredient.
Your hustle never stops. Keep grinding even when the competition is fast asleep with magnesium. The powerful mineral will get you resting and sleeping right so that your muscles have time to grow. You’ll get stronger everyday to break records everyday.
Vitamin B6
Go hard or go home is your motto. With intense workouts like yours, you sweat twice as much as the competition. This means a loss in important water-soluble vitamins like B-6. Get yourself back on track with MEGA-Z. Your body will feel the difference and so will you.